Friday 8 February 2013

The Woman In Black Trailer

The Woman In Black is a supernatural horror and is about a ghost out for vengeance over the death of her son which happened many years ago. I saw this film in the cinema and even though its certificate is 12 I was so scared its unreal, I felt like the certificate was maybe too low for the audience, the amount of tension this film builds up with the rocking chair and the toys is on the edge of your seat worthy. The worst part is its so jumpy your afraid to get too involved in case she jumps up unexpectedly. The actual storyline is really sad but they've covered it up with ghosts and deaths in-between.  This film includes many clichés like a rocking chair rocking by itself, staying in a haunted house in the middle of nowhere with no company and no way of escaping so dooming yourself to a horrific and frightening death from a ghost. I would like my film to be like this as it creates tension and frightens people without the need of  a disfigured monster, just a ghost who's angry. This is the type of film we are going for as we want tension to be the main fear factor.

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