Friday 8 February 2013

Insidious Review

Insidious is a supernatural horror movie, from the trailer you can tell that this is the type of film that will have you hiding under your duvet. I have chosen to write about this film as it is somewhat similar to what we are trying to create but not as jumpy or scary, our clip will just be eerie. I have seen this film twice now and it always manages to frighten me so much I'm a quivering mess, the scariest concept of this movie is the fact that things happen that you wouldn't dream of or you would expect someone/something disfigured and horrifying to be round the corner but it isn't there, this then sets your imagination to overload as to what could happen within the next 5 seconds. This film also messes with your mind so you've got to keep up with the pace and understand what's going on or your going to be completely lost. There are so many things in this film that freaked me out big time, the voice on the baby monitor *shudders*, the woman with the veil over her face in the beginning with the candle, the weird monster that appears when they do the test that licks the mothers face (weird I know), the twin girls down the hallway, the dolls and how they change expressions when he turns his back and finally but certainly not least, the actual demon/devil thing that kidnaps the boy, yeh they're probably the biggest spoilers EVER for those who have not seen it but I do recommend it as its a must see!

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