Wednesday 13 February 2013

The Sixth Sense Review

The Sixth Sense is a supenatural horror about a little boy who claims he can 'see dead people', his mother however he is suffering from his parents recent divorce and so doesn't really pay attention to the claims and just shakes them off. The young boy starts seeing a psychologist (Bruce Willis), what the psychologist doesn't know however is that he is indeed dead himself and that Cole (the little boy) can obviously see him as he can communicate with ghosts very effectively. In the beginning of the film you see the psychologist getting shot dead by pne of his patients with his wife at his side, home life for the psychologist is difficult as his wife is ignoring him and he suspects that she is having an affair (not forgetting that he is a ghost but believes he is still alive). He helps Cole face his fears about the ghosts, Cole then starts listening to the ghosts and helping get justice for their murders. His mother still is adament that her son is attention seeking, however when in the car together sat in traffic after a bicycle collided with a car Cole finally opens up to his mother saying that the cyclist is dead, when questioned by his mother he replies with 'she's standing outside my window' this would obviously freak anyone out! His mother confronts him telling him to stop being stupid, this is the part of the film where Cole feels closer to his mother as he talks to her about her deceased mother, he starts telling his mother messages from his grandmother and sure enough his mother breaks down into tears, hugs him and apologises for not listening, before all this of course the psychologist come to the overwhelming realisation that he is in fact dead, This is triggered after one of his chats with Cole when he tells him that he "sees dead people... walking around like regular people". The psychologist goes home in a weird state of mind and starts piecing things together, he then manages to talk to his widow while she is asleep and is most succeptible to sub conciencely answering the questions he's asking her, we then see a flash back of what happened in the beginning along with what Cole has been telling him, he then realises what he has to do and tell his wife that he's ok and that she can be free. This film is eerie but also sad at the same time, which is exactly what we're going for, just without the gruesome ghosts.

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