Wednesday 27 February 2013


Research and Planning: Level 2 10/20
Proficient research into similar products
Proficient organisation of costume and location
Time management is fair

To progress, you must complete audience profile posts which explore the audience of similar films to yours to give you an idea of your potential target audience.
Storyboard and scripting/shot lists are VITAL

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Mood Board

Our Mood Board


The Sixth Sense Review

The Sixth Sense is a supenatural horror about a little boy who claims he can 'see dead people', his mother however he is suffering from his parents recent divorce and so doesn't really pay attention to the claims and just shakes them off. The young boy starts seeing a psychologist (Bruce Willis), what the psychologist doesn't know however is that he is indeed dead himself and that Cole (the little boy) can obviously see him as he can communicate with ghosts very effectively. In the beginning of the film you see the psychologist getting shot dead by pne of his patients with his wife at his side, home life for the psychologist is difficult as his wife is ignoring him and he suspects that she is having an affair (not forgetting that he is a ghost but believes he is still alive). He helps Cole face his fears about the ghosts, Cole then starts listening to the ghosts and helping get justice for their murders. His mother still is adament that her son is attention seeking, however when in the car together sat in traffic after a bicycle collided with a car Cole finally opens up to his mother saying that the cyclist is dead, when questioned by his mother he replies with 'she's standing outside my window' this would obviously freak anyone out! His mother confronts him telling him to stop being stupid, this is the part of the film where Cole feels closer to his mother as he talks to her about her deceased mother, he starts telling his mother messages from his grandmother and sure enough his mother breaks down into tears, hugs him and apologises for not listening, before all this of course the psychologist come to the overwhelming realisation that he is in fact dead, This is triggered after one of his chats with Cole when he tells him that he "sees dead people... walking around like regular people". The psychologist goes home in a weird state of mind and starts piecing things together, he then manages to talk to his widow while she is asleep and is most succeptible to sub conciencely answering the questions he's asking her, we then see a flash back of what happened in the beginning along with what Cole has been telling him, he then realises what he has to do and tell his wife that he's ok and that she can be free. This film is eerie but also sad at the same time, which is exactly what we're going for, just without the gruesome ghosts.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Diary of Filming/Editing etc

Day 1- The first day we started filming there were obvious complications that needed to be addressed before we went any further into filming, the main problem was that the camera was too shaky when approaching the front door and whilst going up the steps, going through the hallway the camera was still too shaky and so we are now deciding on what to do to keep the camera roughly 5 feet off the floor and steady.

Friday 8 February 2013

Insidious Review

Insidious is a supernatural horror movie, from the trailer you can tell that this is the type of film that will have you hiding under your duvet. I have chosen to write about this film as it is somewhat similar to what we are trying to create but not as jumpy or scary, our clip will just be eerie. I have seen this film twice now and it always manages to frighten me so much I'm a quivering mess, the scariest concept of this movie is the fact that things happen that you wouldn't dream of or you would expect someone/something disfigured and horrifying to be round the corner but it isn't there, this then sets your imagination to overload as to what could happen within the next 5 seconds. This film also messes with your mind so you've got to keep up with the pace and understand what's going on or your going to be completely lost. There are so many things in this film that freaked me out big time, the voice on the baby monitor *shudders*, the woman with the veil over her face in the beginning with the candle, the weird monster that appears when they do the test that licks the mothers face (weird I know), the twin girls down the hallway, the dolls and how they change expressions when he turns his back and finally but certainly not least, the actual demon/devil thing that kidnaps the boy, yeh they're probably the biggest spoilers EVER for those who have not seen it but I do recommend it as its a must see!

The Woman In Black Trailer

The Woman In Black is a supernatural horror and is about a ghost out for vengeance over the death of her son which happened many years ago. I saw this film in the cinema and even though its certificate is 12 I was so scared its unreal, I felt like the certificate was maybe too low for the audience, the amount of tension this film builds up with the rocking chair and the toys is on the edge of your seat worthy. The worst part is its so jumpy your afraid to get too involved in case she jumps up unexpectedly. The actual storyline is really sad but they've covered it up with ghosts and deaths in-between.  This film includes many clichés like a rocking chair rocking by itself, staying in a haunted house in the middle of nowhere with no company and no way of escaping so dooming yourself to a horrific and frightening death from a ghost. I would like my film to be like this as it creates tension and frightens people without the need of  a disfigured monster, just a ghost who's angry. This is the type of film we are going for as we want tension to be the main fear factor.

Sinister Review

Sinister is a supernatural horror with some shocking gory involved. I saw this film in the cinema and I hid under my jacket or hands for the most of it, this film really scared me as the mask in it just sticks with you in your mind haunting you. I don't want to do a film like this as its far too complicated as its about a guy who writes real life stories about real life murders, so he moves into a house where a family was murdered and their child was kidnapped only 9 months afterwards (mental) sooner or later you just know something creepy is going to happen and sure enough, it does, he goes into the loft and finds a box that the family must have left behind containing videos, very old ones. He starts watching all these videos and they are grim, i remember most of the names (scarred) the first one I think was called 'family hanging out' it shows a happy family running around on the grass playfully, it then cross cuts to another clip of the family hanging from the tree in their back garden, freaked out but intrigued he watches the rest, 'swimming pool time' was a happy video again with a family all running around by the pool, this video cuts again to the family being drowned in their own pool. He realises that 1 child from every family that's murdered just vanishes and no one can find them. He finds pictures drawn by the children and they are grisly pictures of them killing their families, one child called him 'Mr Boogie' and another called him 'Slender Man' both send chills down your spine. Basically the guy writing the story that has moved in has landed himself in the killers loop and therefore killing him and his family, I'm not going to say who the murderer is of the family in the end as its a major shock and you'll have to go watch it. This film however didn't have many clichés like the parents saying 'it's ok, if we go to sleep things will get better' this guy realised and jumped ship, so they moved back to their old house. This film does have a few jumpy moments but it is mostly grisly and eerie.