Friday 3 May 2013

Evaluation Activity 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The kit used:
-Adobe software

Annotations for image: In this image you can see both Shanie and I with our camera that we used, this camera was easy to use for our opening two minutes as we used it for our preliminary task also so we already knew how it worked and how to get the best camera angles.

This is us with the tripod we used for our opening two minutes, this was the first time both of us had ever used a tripod but found it really useful to keep a scene steady and level to where we want it.

We used the computer a lot for our opening two minutes as we had to upload the video onto it and then use software on the computer to edit it and upload it online

Adobe premier elements was the software we used to edit our opening two minutes, we knew how to use it as we had used it previously on our preliminary task.

Youtube is an online video sharing site where we uploaded our opening two minutes on for the public to view.

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