Wednesday 20 March 2013


Shot One
-'Miramax Home Entertainment' is on the screen.

Shot Two
- A shot of the outside of a house in black and white with the text '1996' in the left corner.
-A distorted lullaby is playing throughout this scene.

Shot Three
-The distorted lullaby is still playing and we see Shanie writing a letter, throughout writing the letter a voice over is playing in the background saying:

'Dear John, I am so incredibly sorry for what you have discovered once back from work but I had to escape, everything was becoming so hard for me to do, she doesn't even love me and I'm her mother, I never ever meant for things to end this way I promise you! Nobody is around to help me or even just to listen to how I'm feeling, I love her so much John but this is my only way out....Love you always....Janey'

Shot Four
-The distorted lullaby is still playing.
-We hear a baby start crying.
-Shanie then starts walking up the stairs slowly while 'Starring Shanie Bradbury, Natasha Allwood and Harriet Allwood' is fading in and out of the scene.

Shot Five
-The distorted lullaby is still playing.
-The baby's cry is loud and distressed.
-We then see Shanie put her head in her hands. (added effect to this scene)
-Shanie then gets a pillow and places over the camera, muffling the sound of the baby crying until she's quiet.

Shot Six
-The distorted lullaby has stopped and the mobile on the baby's cot is playing the lullaby instead.
-The camera slowly pans right showing Shanie's body lying on the ground, the camera continues panning until we reach the medicine bottle, which is open and in her hand, lullaby stops.
-The screen then fades to black.

Shot Seven
-More upbeat music has started playing.
-The ending of the fade from the previous scene opens this scene with the text '2006' yet again in the bottom left corner.
-This scene is in colour unlike the previous scenes.
-The new mother Natasha is shutting the car door with baby Harriet in her arms, she approaches the door and opens it.

Shot Eight
-The upbeat music is still playing.
-This scene is a match on match action from the previous scene as it's the lock of the door turning.

Shot Nine
-The upbeat music is still playing
-We see the full door from the inside which is opening and written on the door is 'Directed by Shanie Bradbury' which fades before the door fully opens.

Shot Ten
-The upbeat music is still playing.
-Natasha walks over to Harriet's play centre, places her in and then leaves the room.

Shot Eleven
-The distorted lullaby starts playing again as soon as Harriet is left on her own.
-Harriet is in her play centre quiet the shot then jumps to Harriet staring at a woman in the room next to her. (The audience see the woman also)

Shot Twelve
The upbeat music has started playing again.
-Harriet is crying loudly by herself in the room, we get a clear shot of where the woman was standing and she's no longer there, Natasha then comes in the room saying 'What's up Harriet?'  picks up Harriet and cuddles her, quickly glancing around the room.
-The scene then fades to black.

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