Wednesday 20 March 2013

Actors and Props Research

Actors and Props Research


(picture of Shanie)

(Picture of Natasha)

(picture of Harriet)

We decided to use Shanie's mum as the mum in the present as Harriet was comfortable around her and so we could get her to be calm in front of the camera. We both thought that as we are making the film one of us has to be in  it, and Shanie volunteered to be the mother in the past, I thought Shanie did a great job considering it's difficult to be serious when your best friend, baby sister and mum are all watching.

An empty medicine bottle
Plain white pillow

The car
Baby play centre
Pen and Paper

These are all the main props that you see throughout the two minutes and I've included the car because of the car door on then scene when the new family move in, I've also included the pen and paper as they're an important prop for the first beginning scenes. I have also included the pillow used to murder the baby in the first death scene. The most important prop out of all of the ones above would be the empty medicine bottle as that is how the mother from the past ends her life after ending her child's life.


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