Sunday 31 March 2013

Update of chosen institution.

Update of chosen institution

Upon discussion Shanie and I have decided to go with the company Miramax instead of Dimension as it fits our film a lot better than expected. Miramax is an American entertainment company known for distributing independent and foreign films. An independent film is a professional film production resulting in a feature film that is produced mostly/completely outside the major film studio system. Shanie and I both wanted our film to be an independent film instead of a major box office film as we realised we could spend less time on marketing and more time on the film itself to make sure it was 100% how we wanted it to be. Miramax is the perfect representative to our independent supernatural horror film.


Institution Research

Institution Research 

When researching whether LIONSGATE is suitable for our opening two minutes I realised they produce similar films, as we're trying to make a supernatural horror I had to do a lot more research than expected, however LIONSGATE make more horrors than supernatural horrors but that means they are well known in that market sector for brilliant horror films, they have produced amazing horror films such as: The Last Exorcism (2010), The Possession (2012), Saw 1/2/3/4/5/6, and The Eye. LIONSGATE have produced some amazing horror films but we don't feel as if they should produce our opening two minutes. 

Dimension Films is well known for producing the Scream films and also the Scary Movie films (which I love) but until further research I discovered they also produced The Amiytiville Horror (2005), Halloween II (2009), Piranha 3D (2010) and Dark Skies (2013). My teammate Shanie and I are horror film fans and so to have our film produced by Dimension Films would be ideal, I personally love the films that LIONSGATE have produced so it was a tough call but we believe we have made the right choice. 

Twisted Pictures is an American independent production company, mainly creating films of the horror genre. As twisted pictures has mainly produced the SAW films we feel like its the wrong production company for our film as it's not a gory horror but a supernatural one, so we will not be using Twisted Pictures for our opening two minutes.

Twentieth Century Fox's most popular film franchises include Charlie Chan, Star Wars, X-Men, Ice Age, Die Hard, Predator, Alien, Planet of the Apes, Home Alone, plus TV shows such as Batman, M*A*S*H, The X-Files, Cops, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad!, and 24. 20th Century Fox don't usually produce horror films and during my research I couldn't find any big horrors produced by the company and so we will not be using 20th Century Fox for our opening two minutes. 

Universal Pictures aren't really well known for amazingly scary films and during research I found the psychological thriller Hannibal which Universal Pictures, I also found two of my all-time favourite films while researching, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, these films aren't scary they're borderlining gory/comedy/slapstick entertainment, which is unfortunately not what we're hoping to accomplish as much as I love the films, we would like our films to be on a different horror level than they are and so we will not be using Universal Pictures for our opening two minutes.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Actors and Props Research

Actors and Props Research


(picture of Shanie)

(Picture of Natasha)

(picture of Harriet)

We decided to use Shanie's mum as the mum in the present as Harriet was comfortable around her and so we could get her to be calm in front of the camera. We both thought that as we are making the film one of us has to be in  it, and Shanie volunteered to be the mother in the past, I thought Shanie did a great job considering it's difficult to be serious when your best friend, baby sister and mum are all watching.

An empty medicine bottle
Plain white pillow

The car
Baby play centre
Pen and Paper

These are all the main props that you see throughout the two minutes and I've included the car because of the car door on then scene when the new family move in, I've also included the pen and paper as they're an important prop for the first beginning scenes. I have also included the pillow used to murder the baby in the first death scene. The most important prop out of all of the ones above would be the empty medicine bottle as that is how the mother from the past ends her life after ending her child's life.



Shot One
-'Miramax Home Entertainment' is on the screen.

Shot Two
- A shot of the outside of a house in black and white with the text '1996' in the left corner.
-A distorted lullaby is playing throughout this scene.

Shot Three
-The distorted lullaby is still playing and we see Shanie writing a letter, throughout writing the letter a voice over is playing in the background saying:

'Dear John, I am so incredibly sorry for what you have discovered once back from work but I had to escape, everything was becoming so hard for me to do, she doesn't even love me and I'm her mother, I never ever meant for things to end this way I promise you! Nobody is around to help me or even just to listen to how I'm feeling, I love her so much John but this is my only way out....Love you always....Janey'

Shot Four
-The distorted lullaby is still playing.
-We hear a baby start crying.
-Shanie then starts walking up the stairs slowly while 'Starring Shanie Bradbury, Natasha Allwood and Harriet Allwood' is fading in and out of the scene.

Shot Five
-The distorted lullaby is still playing.
-The baby's cry is loud and distressed.
-We then see Shanie put her head in her hands. (added effect to this scene)
-Shanie then gets a pillow and places over the camera, muffling the sound of the baby crying until she's quiet.

Shot Six
-The distorted lullaby has stopped and the mobile on the baby's cot is playing the lullaby instead.
-The camera slowly pans right showing Shanie's body lying on the ground, the camera continues panning until we reach the medicine bottle, which is open and in her hand, lullaby stops.
-The screen then fades to black.

Shot Seven
-More upbeat music has started playing.
-The ending of the fade from the previous scene opens this scene with the text '2006' yet again in the bottom left corner.
-This scene is in colour unlike the previous scenes.
-The new mother Natasha is shutting the car door with baby Harriet in her arms, she approaches the door and opens it.

Shot Eight
-The upbeat music is still playing.
-This scene is a match on match action from the previous scene as it's the lock of the door turning.

Shot Nine
-The upbeat music is still playing
-We see the full door from the inside which is opening and written on the door is 'Directed by Shanie Bradbury' which fades before the door fully opens.

Shot Ten
-The upbeat music is still playing.
-Natasha walks over to Harriet's play centre, places her in and then leaves the room.

Shot Eleven
-The distorted lullaby starts playing again as soon as Harriet is left on her own.
-Harriet is in her play centre quiet the shot then jumps to Harriet staring at a woman in the room next to her. (The audience see the woman also)

Shot Twelve
The upbeat music has started playing again.
-Harriet is crying loudly by herself in the room, we get a clear shot of where the woman was standing and she's no longer there, Natasha then comes in the room saying 'What's up Harriet?'  picks up Harriet and cuddles her, quickly glancing around the room.
-The scene then fades to black.