Monday 7 January 2013

Costume and Location Research

Our opening two minutes begins in 1996. We have chosen costumes which reflect the time period in which it is set in.
For the mother in the past (1996) she should be wearing fairly simplistic clothing in order for the audience to keep focus on the plot of the story rather than being distracted by her outfit.

-Baggy dull coloured jumper
Hair and Make up:
-Pale face
-Hair up (messy bun)

-Dark circles under eyes
-No make up otherwise (bronzer, eyeliner) this will degrade the look for both the time period and mother that we are trying to create.

The mother in the present however, will be wearing clothes that were worn in 2006, as that is ten years later.


Hair and Make up:
-natural and fresh faced look.
-Hair down and presentable

The location we have chosen is Shanie's house as it has the look we are going for and it's ideal for us to use especially as Shanie's younger sister is involved, we wanted to keep her in a familiar environment as to not upset her.

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