Sunday 2 December 2012

The Holiday review

The Holiday is a romantic comedy about two women trying to find what's missing in their lives by simply swapping lives, they swap houses, jobs and even continents as one moves from America to England and the other from England to America. This film is definitely like your typical rom-com as both women are young and so are likeable, the cartoonish pratfalls make everyone chuckle while watching a tanned up blonde come to England wearing stilettos in about 2 foot of snow (funny as)  both women 'unexpectedly' fall in love, such a shock right? not. This is just so typical of a romantic comedy, two people that are meant for each other bump into each other somehow and then all of a sudden fall deeply in love and live happily ever after blah blah blah. In this film however both women try and deny their feelings for the 'loves of their lives' as one of them has two children so she automatically assumes there is a mother, but there isn't. This film is one of my favourites because its funny, got great actors/actresses and is sweet. The music in this film comes across as a christmassy themed film, but could be watched whenever. In this film they have also included the 'meet cute' which is when scriptwriters often create a humorous sense of awkwardness between the two potential partners by depicting an initial clash of personalities or beliefs, an embarrassing situation, or by introducing a comical misunderstanding or mistaken identity situation, but the protagonists always end up together. The trailer is just a little snippet of a great romantic comedy which is a must see.

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