Sunday 2 December 2012

Film Mindmap: Horror

Film Mindmap: Comedy

Film Mindmap: Action

Film Mindmap: Teen

Film Mindmap: Drama

The Holiday review

The Holiday is a romantic comedy about two women trying to find what's missing in their lives by simply swapping lives, they swap houses, jobs and even continents as one moves from America to England and the other from England to America. This film is definitely like your typical rom-com as both women are young and so are likeable, the cartoonish pratfalls make everyone chuckle while watching a tanned up blonde come to England wearing stilettos in about 2 foot of snow (funny as)  both women 'unexpectedly' fall in love, such a shock right? not. This is just so typical of a romantic comedy, two people that are meant for each other bump into each other somehow and then all of a sudden fall deeply in love and live happily ever after blah blah blah. In this film however both women try and deny their feelings for the 'loves of their lives' as one of them has two children so she automatically assumes there is a mother, but there isn't. This film is one of my favourites because its funny, got great actors/actresses and is sweet. The music in this film comes across as a christmassy themed film, but could be watched whenever. In this film they have also included the 'meet cute' which is when scriptwriters often create a humorous sense of awkwardness between the two potential partners by depicting an initial clash of personalities or beliefs, an embarrassing situation, or by introducing a comical misunderstanding or mistaken identity situation, but the protagonists always end up together. The trailer is just a little snippet of a great romantic comedy which is a must see.

The Dark Knight Rises Review

In the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises you can already tell its going to be an action packed, twisted adventure with plenty of fights and flashbacks along the way. The Dark Knight Rises is still like your typical action movie with the villains, heroes, fights, deceiving plans and not forgetting the best cars and bikes ever. I saw this film in the cinema and although I've never really been a whole fan of the 'woah batman yeh cool' thing i found it incredible and loved every second of it.The Dark Knight Rises is one of those action films where it has a back story so those who haven't seen any of the other films will understand what's going on still. In the film there are car chases between Batman and the police, Anne Hathaway who is amazing at martial arts with the typical slicked hair, brief case by her side and is handy with a gun. Bane who is portrayed as the villain in this film (i say portrayed because there is an unexpected twist omg) he's everything a villain would look like, big built, tattoos, a mask covering his face and has no mercy towards anyone or anything and batman's obviously the hero, handsome, black suit, has his cool batman gadgets, cars and bikes, has his enemies (obviously, he's batman) Nearly all the fight scenes happen outside in the city of Gotham, where crowded streets get a surprise when Bane and his henchman throw them out of their way to get inside of a bank. The action in this film is just out of this world, gun fights and explosions seem so realistic which for this film was crucial. Overall this film has all the typical clichés for action films and the trailer is just a lil piece of icing compared to the massive cake which is the whole film. 

Paranormal Activity 2 Review

Paranormal Activity 2 Analysis: From this table you can see that the majority of viewers were aged between 15 and 24, for our task we are doing a film similar to Paranormal Activity 2 so this table is a great help to see what age audience we should aim at.

In this trailer for Paranormal Activity 2, it builds up tension as to what could happen during the entire film, like all horror films there is a ghost/demon/poltergeist haunting them, but there's more to this 'ghost' than expected as he was triggered when the girls were younger, i have seen all 3 films and frankly i have no idea what the storyline is as the films aren't in order. (annoying right) i'm now waiting  for the 4th film of Paranormal activity so i can see if i can make sense of the whole happenings. There are so many clichés in the film that it makes it funny in a way, such as the big house, the poltergeists/demons/ghosts, the stupid people trying to actually find the entity (it finds them, always), people being dragged, hit and just overall being tormented by the ghost. In this film what builds more tension for viewers is that there is a baby involved and also a dog (well known for sixth senses) so if the dog is in the baby's room and all of a sudden starts growling at a doorway the audience are expecting something to happen, so when it doesn't suspension is so high that even the slightest movement scares people. The best thing i like about all the Paranormal Activity films is that they look like documentaries and made to look like it actually happened which terrifies the viewers, i also like the fact that every night is a build up to the main events, so nothing terrifying happens until maybe half an hour-hour into the actual film, another funny but scary part of the films is that they are incredibly jumpy so you get a scare then laugh nervously to yourself afterwards. The music in this film creates all of the suspension completely makes the entire film, as scary as it is, without the low bass whenever something scary happens the atmosphere wouldn't be tense at all and no one would be scared by pots and pans falling down, but with the bass it implies something eerie is about to happen and so when it does, we are freaked out. Weapons aren't actually used in Paranormal Activity 2 as its an entity, not a person or a monster, the only thing they use is a video camera and still don't use it in any way to protect themselves against things thrown at them.There is a typical helpless stupid teenage girl in the film as she gets locked outside by the ghost (so stupid) and leaves her little brother Hunter on his own in the demon filled house (cue the panic-stricken stupid girl) Overall the trailer is nothing compared to the full movie, the trailer is a mere taster for those hungry to be frightened. 

Meet the Fockers review

Meet the Fockers Review

Meet the Fockers is an American comedy film and is the sequel to Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers also has a follow up sequel Little Fockers. In Meet the Fockers Gaylord Focker (Greg) and his fiancée Pam Byrnes decide to introduce their parents to each other, upon arrival of the Focker household you can see that the Fockers are more eccentric than anticipated, with Greg's father Bernie doing martial arts in the front yard and his mother Roz teaching elder couples interesting 'yoga' positions. This is just typical of a 'family get together' in a comedy as obviously the families are going to be complete opposites and clash like the byrnes' for example, Pam's father Jack was a CIA operative whereas Greg's father was a stay at home dad, which to Jack isn't a 'manly' job to do. Their mother's however do get along as Pam's mother is more understanding and willing to except the marriage. This flying visit to meet turns into stay from hell, but to us a classic funny film. within the first half an hour Greg has delivered a baby as he is a nurse (again Jack disapproves) and he gets head-butted by Pam's nephew Little Jack (Hilarious) throughout the film more and more coincidental happenings occur, Jinxy the Byrnes' cat flushes Moses the Fockers' dog down the RV toilet (typical representative of how the families are opposite  cats and dogs, which are well known not to mix well) Bernie then later on 'accidentally' injures Jack's back by getting too competitive (trying to prove to Jack that he's a man) In this film so many cliches are men getting dressed up as women-Jack and his fake boob, someone goes to prison for the night-Jack, Greg and Bernie ALL end up in a cell for not listening to an irritating southern officer, an annoying dog will get mistreated-  Moses gets flushed down the toilet by Jinxy the cat, someone drunk will disrupt a ceremony of some sort-drunken and drugged up Greg (no thanks to Jack) ruins his own engagement party and embarrasses himself in front of his family and Pam's, much to the amusement of Jack. Meet the Fockers has very typical comedy traits such as Crude jokes, babies swearing, parental interference, weddings, comical fights and people falling over. Overall Meet the Fockers is a massive cliché of all comedies put together but gives a great effect.