Thursday 11 October 2012

Preliminary Task Write up.

Preliminary Task Write Up
This was my Preliminary task that shanie and i did, this task took 2 hours but we then realised problems were occurring and so we redid it again which only took us an hour and editing took 2 hours because we kept making mistakes but our final piece is now complete and both me and shanie are happy with the end results, this task has helped us figure out different camera and editing techniques, being in a group of 2 wasn't easy but we managed to rope in a friend, James, to help us with our final scenes as the officer. Editing was a hard process as somethings worked better than others but then we had to cut some clips and we realised there was an order we had to follow to get the best results.
Filming was probably one of the trickiest things we had to do, as we had to make sure the foreground, middle-ground and background were all relevant to the scene and ethos we were trying to accomplish. We had to do a lot of takes to get the angles perfected and to keep within the 180 degree rule, we tried various techniques to shooting the angles we needed like walking closely behind shanies feet to try and get a good effect, which didn't work out so we tried me filming shanie's feet while walking next to her which also didnt work as the camera was too shaky, we found that if i were to lay on the floor and point the camera directly at shanie's feet and just keep still while she's walking towards me then it would be a great effect. The lighting in different rooms also was difficult as for our scene shanie confessed to a murder so to create effect we needed a dark room but light enough to see her face which we managed to achieve, thankfully. We found filming fun and stressful as pressure was on to finish, even though wre were were rushed we are thoroughly pleased with the final product.
The editing we found quite tricky to work out at first and had to restart quite a few times before we got to grips with it but once we felt comfortable with the software we decided to add transitions to help make our video more professional. We also had to brighten up one of our scenes as we couldn't see James' face. All in all the editing has made the video way more better than expected and cannot wait for others to view it.

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